Anyway, I had some time to kill before class and I was feeling a little stressed so I decided to walk. Since I don't know this city very well and I like to walk just for the hell of it, I just walked and walked until I found something cool.
I love street art. This translates to: Very important. I love you. And only you.
I came upon Piazza della Repubblica, a beautiful piazza with a carousel in the center. I sat in the sunshine next to two women speaking Italian, and just listened. My goal is to be (nearly) fluent by the end, so I have to be able to listen and hear how people speak and at the pace they speak at. I felt relaxed after hanging out in the piazza, seeing how everyone was just sitting down, reading a paper, taking a stroll. I want to be able to adapt that relaxed mentality. 
Something I have noticed: NO ONE uses an iPod. Ever. I have not seen one earbud in someone's ear. Well, except for the other American students that are easily spotted. I am so used to having my Blackberry attached to my hand, my earbuds jammed in my ear, and being in my own world. I don't have a Blackberry here, and do not plan on jamming earbuds in my ears anymore.
I met Rachel per un biscotto ed un cappuccino in via Panzani, at the place we found on our first day. It was relaxing just sitting down with a hot drink and a sweet cookie. Did I mention that you have to pay to sit down at a cafe? It's usually a Euro or so. There are taxes on everything here, including using plastic bags at the grocery store. But I don't mind paying the small price to just relax in a pretty Italian cafe for a while.
Class was uneventful, but I got super lost on the way home. I was extremely frustrated. I am not used to being lost and not knowing what is going on. I am not used to feeling vulnerable when asking for directions. Back at home, I was either in my extremely small town, or in Manhattan, both of which I called home. I knew how to get around and where to go, and knew what to do if I didn't know something. At the same time, I felt my life was becoming the same old same. So while it is a humbling experience, being a small fish in an exotic pond, this new life is something I had always hoped for. So I am ready to get lost, trip on cobblestone streets (oh yes, that happened at least 9 times today), and take in a new city!
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