Picked up a few goodies after we got out of class at 8:50am. Tonight, we are making a lentil soup using our fabulous bunsen burner, so I will have to update you on how that turns out. But we are adding some great ingredients, like this pancetta;
And we are using the rind of our last parmigian cheese block to drop into the soup so it 'melts' and gives a nutty and salty flavor. I cannot believe that we went through a whole block since we got here. Well, I actually can.

This is the new block we got from our cheese lady. Doesn't it look good?
We got our cappuccino at our favorite place in Via Panzani, and are becoming friends with the owner, Bichon (he says that's his name but it's weird because he owns two Bichon Frise dogs). Our friend Megan is looking for a leather jacket, and so we asked him for his advice. Not only is he giving us advice, he is personally taking us to his favorite place and talking to the owner for us. We will meet him later on this week. He is such a nice old man!
So we made the lentil soup. It was easy and SO amazing. We started with pancetta, added lots of garlic and onion, sauteed that, added carrots, then added lentils (and mashed spanish white beans for thickness), water, and a bouillon cube (cheaper than chicken broth). Then we dropped the rind of parmigian in, and added spinach. As the soup simmered for the two hours or so, the parmigian melted in. The result was a thick, rich, dark, and CHEAP soup. I also made myself a grilled cheese. Ecco:
Rachel and I both decided that this was our favorite dinner that we had made so far, and it wasn't pasta!
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